Conditioning, Strength & Skills Activity Log

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Conditioning, Strength & Skills Activity Log

Following is a description of activities that you need to be doing every day. Reference email from Steve on May 2nd for specific areas that you need to concentrate on.

Conditioning – Running, skipping rope for 30 minutes a day and sprinting (find a field, take two hockey sticks, separate them by 50 feet, run as fast as you can between the two, run once/walk once, do this for 30 minutes).
Leg strength – Lifting weights to make your legs stronger
Foot speed – Sprinting, like you are being chased by a cheeta
Shot – Work on your wrist shot, snap shot and picking the corners, no slap shots – everyone needs to learn how to only see the white part of the net. Using a net and a bucket of 30 pucks practice shooting daily.
Stick handling – do this in your basement, garage, street. Find a golf ball and practice quick stick handling and ball movement. Do the 3 puck drill we have done many times on the ice.

Refer to the 8 week training schedule that was emailed to you by Steve on June 13th to find out what you should be doing every day. You can also find the schedule on our website under Documents.

You should be able to find 1.5 hours a day for conditioning in preparation for the upcoming season.
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